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How to Build a Woodshop on a Budget

I am working hard (or hardly working) on our master bathroom vanity! I spent the whole day in the garage on Monday, but it was such a mess from all the other projects I have been working on, so I spent the day cleaning and organizing instead of building.

Now I have a place to build the vanity and this coming week there is nothing going on so I will also have time. I can almost smell the progress!

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This video is awesome! Getting started with DIY can be expensive because there are a lot of tools to buy. Just because you are on a budget, doesn't mean you can't get the wood shop of your dreams. Check out this video about how to get your tools and build a woodshop on a budget. |

However, instead of sharing a remodel update this week I thought I would do something a little different. This little voice in my head (sometimes called my husband) has been nagging me to add videos to my blog.

I did a couple 1 minute hands-only videos a few months back, but I have been seriously afraid to get in front of the camera. The nagging voice finally won out and I bit the bullet and got in front of the camera for you today!

I decided to do a video for today’s post instead of just writing out a boring list. And while editing the video I came to the realization that I am very expressive when I talk. Wow! I use my whole face when I talk. I guess that’s what people meant when they said I am dramatic. Oh well, this is me so I hope you enjoy today’s video about how to build a woodshop on a budget.

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Shop our Budget Woodshop

If you are looking to start your own woodshop, or just add to it, I thought I would share with you my favorite budget friendly tools. This post contains some affiliate links for your convenience. Click here to read my full disclosure policy.

I hope you enjoyed the video! I am going to be better about adding more videos, my goal is one a month. If you have requests for things you want to see on video, please feel free to email me your ideas. Ideas and requests are always welcome 🙂

Until next time,

-Kati with picture of blog author Kati


This video is awesome! Getting started with DIY can be expensive because there are a lot of tools to buy. Just because you are on a budget, doesn't mean you can't get the wood shop of your dreams. Check out this video about how to get your tools and build a woodshop on a budget. |


Sunday 21st of August 2016

I love that! Having a special space for projects is so important! :) Thank you for sharing with us at the #HomeMattersParty


Monday 22nd of August 2016

Thank you Jamie! I love having a defined space.


Thursday 18th of August 2016

This is great! Thanks for sharing at Merry Monday!


Monday 22nd of August 2016

Thanks Sara!

michelle james

Tuesday 16th of August 2016

Just what I need! I am trying to get organized and find a dedicated space. This is perfect!


Wednesday 17th of August 2016

Thanks Michelle. Having a dedicated space is great, unfortunately I have to share mine with the cars, but it works.

Maria Brittis

Monday 15th of August 2016

This is perfect for me, I have all these tools for Ryobi and I am very anxious to get my work shop organized. Maria


Wednesday 17th of August 2016

I got everything organized the other day and it is making life so much easier. I am working on my master bathroom vanity this week and I can actually find things :)

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