Fast DIY Concrete Countertops in a Day

End view of the kitchen island with a concrete countertop and a dining room in the background.

You will love how fast you can make DIY concrete countertops and how amazing they look. I am so excited to finally have our last kitchen countertop installed in our DIY kitchen remodel. We almost have a fully working kitchen again. For our kitchen island, I wanted a beautiful solid surface countertop, but on a … Read more

Popular DIY Projects of 2020

Pictures of the top 10 popular DIY projects of 2020 with a dark overlay and white test: Popular DIY projects of 2020.

Take a look at the most popular DIY projects from the past year! 2020 was a crazy year! For us even a bit more as we picked up our family and moved half-way across the country. The beginning of the year was finishing off the last of the DIY projects in our home to get … Read more

Christmas Tree Christmas Card Holder

Christmas card holder shaped like a Christmas tree in a corner next to a storage bench with a Santa mailbox on the floor in front.

This easy to make Christmas tree is the perfect display for all your Christmas cards. How do you display the Christmas cards you receive each year? I have used many methods: hanging on the back of the door, taping to a wall, this wood Christmas card wreath (that didn’t make the move). But this year … Read more

Easy Wood Christmas Trees made from 1x2s

Simple decorative Christmas tree made from reclaimed wood on a mantle next to other decorative Christmas trees.

You will love these easy to make wood Christmas trees out of inexpensive 1×2 boards. I’m in full on holiday mode! So much to do before the the business of the holiday season is upon us. And that means getting lots of Christmas decor made. As I was looking through my Christmas decorating posts from … Read more

3D Wood Christmas Trees

Three 3D wood Christmas tree lanterns sitting on and next to a small white console table.

I opened the flood gates and am now getting excited for all things Christmas decor!!! And ever since I made these 3D pumpkins & gourds last year, I knew I needed to make a Christmas tree version as well. So I partnered with Inventables again to recreate the popular 3D pumpkins into amazing 3D wood … Read more